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Cascading Messaging

Profile Headshot of Satyam Gupta
Satyam Gupta

mins read

February 1, 2024

Cascading messaging

Poin-poin Penting

  1. Cascading messaging is a sequential targeting strategy involving reaching out to customers across multiple channels
  2. Cascading messaging is essential to frame a strategic edge and also reduce overdependence on any one channel
  3. Businesses can use CPaaS platforms like Message Central to deploy their cascading messaging strategy with the best practices
  4. There are multiple benefits of cascading messaging including targeted communication, increased reach etc.
  5. SMS + WhatsApp and SMS + Email are one of the best combinations for a cascading strategy

It is becoming increasingly challenging for brands to capture and maintain the attention of their target audience.  

With the overwhelming amount of content bombarding customers across various communication channels like SMS, Email, WhatsApp etc., it's crucial to find a way to cut through the noise and deliver your message effectively. One strategy that has proven to be successful is cascading messaging.

Understanding Cascading Messaging

Cascading messaging is a sequential targeting strategy that involves approaching customers with the same message across multiple channels.  

The goal - To ensure that your audience receives and engages with your message by using various communication channels.  
For example, you might start by sending an email, followed by a text message, and then a notification on a messaging app. The idea is to continue reaching out until you know your customers have noticed and acted upon your message.

The primary objective of cascading messaging is to drive conversions. Whether it's encouraging customers to make a purchase, click on a link, or leave a review, this strategy aims to guide them towards a specific action.  
It is most commonly used for promotional messages like promotional SMS and automated trigger campaigns like personalized WhatsApp broadcasts.

Why Cascading Messaging is Essential?

Converting your target audience into paying customers requires time and effort. Relying on a single communication channel may not yield optimal results.  
Consider the scenario where you solely rely on email marketing. Some of your target audience may not regularly check their inbox or may overlook your message amidst the sea of emails they receive daily.  
By adopting a cascading messaging approach, you can leverage multiple channels to increase the chances of your message being noticed.

Aayush Bangali, an inbound expert at Message Central says "An omnichannel approach is the bare minimum that every brand should take. Closing the loop on that email via a WhatsApp marketing message or an SMS is very crucial not for just brand recall but also for tangible metrics like conversion rate, open rate, link clicks etc. An omnichannel approach should be strictly followed till a brand figures out an optichannel for a specific target audience.”

Building an Effective Cascading Communication Strategy

To implement cascading messaging successfully, it's essential to create compelling marketing copy for each channel while maintaining consistency in the core message.  
Although the format and length may vary depending on the channel, the essence of the message should remain consistent.  
For instance, SMS copy should be concise and fit within the character limit, while messages sent via messaging apps like WhatsApp using WhatsApp marketing software can leverage multimedia elements like images, videos, stickers, or emojis. Even RCS, for which we sometimes receive sent as SMS via server offers multimedia capabilities.

However, it's crucial to avoid overwhelming your audience with lengthy content on any channel.  
A balance between transactional and promotional communication should be maintained. For example: SMS verification is a transactional unavoidable communication and sales promotion is a WhatsApp marketing campaign.

Information overload can lead to disengagement, so it's important to strike a balance between providing valuable information and respecting your audience's attention span.

Here are some best practices to consider when implementing cascading messaging:

1. Personalize and Segment Your Audience

Segmenting your audience based on their preferred communication channels is key to achieving maximum responses and conversions.  
By understanding which channels your customers are most responsive to, you can tailor your messaging accordingly. If you have data that suggests a majority of your audience prefers text messaging, start with SMS as your primary channel.
This approach can save both time and money by avoiding channels that may be cheaper but less reliable.

2. Determine the Right Frequency and Timing

While selecting the appropriate communication channels is crucial, it's equally important to treat each round of communication as a separate campaign.  
Consider the legal requirements and regulations regarding timing and frequency in your customers' region or country.  
For example, in the US, telemarketing, which includes texting, is prohibited before 8 am or after 9 pm at the recipient's location. Sending key messages at appropriate times ensures you don't inconvenience your recipients. Additionally, avoid bombarding all customers on all available channels simultaneously or within a short timeframe to prevent overwhelming them.

3. Track and Optimize Your Campaigns

Utilize analytics and reporting tools to monitor the effectiveness of each channel and campaign. By analyzing data and customer feedback, you can make data-driven decisions and optimize future cascading messaging campaigns to achieve the highest return on investment (ROI).  
Pay attention to customer responses and adapt your strategy accordingly to improve engagement and conversion rates.
You can use SMS API platforms like Message Now by Message Central. Businesses can directly get in touch with the team to get started.

4. Respect Customer Preferences and Opt-Out Requests

It's crucial to respect customer preferences and honor any opt-out requests. Compliance with marketing regulations is not only a legal requirement but also contributes to building trust with your audience.  
Make it easy for customers to unsubscribe or opt out of your cascading messaging campaigns, and promptly remove them from your subscriber list to ensure compliance.

The Benefits of Cascading Messaging

Infographic representing The benefits of Cascading Messaging by Message Central.

Implementing cascading messaging offers several advantages for brands looking to engage their target audience effectively. Let's explore some of the key benefits:

1. Flexibility and Adaptability

Cascading messaging provides flexibility and adaptability to your marketing strategy. By utilizing multiple communication channels, you can work with the channels that each customer is most accessible through.  
This approach allows for various degrees of personalization and the freedom to experiment with different content types to determine what resonates best with your target audience especially with promotional content. For transactional content like user authentication, businesses usually prefer SMS using OTP service providers.  

2. Targeted Communication

Segmenting your audience based on their preferred channels enables you to achieve maximum responses and conversions. By identifying specific channels that work best for certain campaigns, you can prioritize those channels in your cascading messaging strategy. This targeted approach ensures that your message reaches the right audience through their preferred channels.

3. Increased Reach

One of the significant advantages of cascading messaging is the ability to reach customers even if their preferred channel is unavailable or ineffective. By utilizing multiple channels, you increase the chances of your message being received and noticed.  
For example, if a recipient has lost their mobile phone and cannot receive SMS, they may still be able to access their email on a different device.

4. Enhanced Response Rates

Consistency and repetition in cascading messaging campaigns increase the likelihood of customers noticing and engaging with your message.  
By repeatedly reaching out through different channels, you increase the chances of capturing your audience's attention and driving successful conversions. Cascading messaging allows you to cover all bases and ensure maximum exposure to your target audience.
You can also track analytics. For example, while executing SMS campaigns, you can track the required metrics using an SMS dashboard.  

Channel Combinations for Cascade Messaging

  1. Email + SMS: This is a combination which works well for use cases like upcoming sales, product launches, festival offers etc.  
  2. SMS + WhatsApp: This is one of the best combinations for a variety of reasons. It can be used in multiple use cases like time based promotions, loyalty programs, exclusive launches etc. WhatsApp’s conversion rates combined with SMS’s open rates make it a combination worth exploring. You can use Message Central to explore the synergizing impact of these channels.  
  3. Email + Social Media: This is also a great combination to close the loop. This works really well when you have established the right target audience and their need of your product/ services.

Implementing a cascading messaging strategy can significantly improve your chances of engaging your target audience effectively. By utilizing multiple communication channels, personalizing your messaging, and optimizing your campaigns based on data-driven insights, you can drive conversions and achieve higher return on investment. Embrace the power of cascading messaging to cut through the noise and make a lasting impact on your audience.

Ready to Get Started?

Build an effective communication funnel with Message Central.

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